General Information:

  • ​Information and instructions presented in these guidelines are designed to make packing and moving easier for your company and reduce unnecessary delays. Adhering to these instructions will ensure a smooth and efficient transfer to your new location.
  • ​It is the responsibility of the Local/Group Coordinator to disseminate a cop of these guidelines to each member of their group and that each member follows these instructions.
  • ​Each person shall be responsible for his or her effects prior to the actual move. These guidelines will benefit you before, during and after the move when unpacking at your new location.
  • ​"IMPORTANT"! Only personnel directly involved with the move should be present during the move.


  • Place all contents of the desk in the carton(s) provided. Remove all contents of the center drawer, place them in a manila envelope and place them in a carton. Discard any liquid items to avoid damage due to spillage. Remove any valuables or delicate items and take them home until after the move.
  • ​All machines must be disconnected from their power source and packed or placed into cartons or carts. Check with your relocation coordinator for the correct way to pack theses items.
  • ​Dispose of any unneeded items to avoid shipping them unnecessarily.

Files and Filing Cabinets:

  • Lock all file cabinets, but keep keys in a secure place.
  • ​Remove any contents of any "fire-proof filing cabinets".
  • Empty all contents in lateral filing cabinets, except the bottom two drawers. Vertical filing cabinets may be moved full.​
  • CONFIDENTIAL or SECURE files may be moved using specialized security precautions.


  • ​System or modular furniture disassembly and reassembly should be handled as an integral part of the office move. By allowing AGL to handle this part of the move, you can be assured of a smooth transition to the new location.
  • Consider having your furniture and panels cleaned during the relocation process. AGL can assist with having this done as part of the move process.
  • All bulletin boards, black or white boards, mirrors, and pictures should be removed from the walls (unless this service is contracted to AGL).
  • All machines should be cleaned and serviced where required prior to moving, especially copy machines and postal  machines. Check with the dealer to ensure that they allow moving companies to move their copiers without voiding the warranty.

Packing and Tagging Guidelines:

  • When packing office cartons, do not pack over the edge: all cartons must be taped closed or have securely fastened lids. Cartons must be able to be stacked upon each other.​ Each person should be responsible for packing their own desk and area, and labeling the boxes appropriately.​
  • AGL will provide packing and labeling service for an additional charge. Nevertheless your relocation coordinator will provide you with free packing guidance upon request.
  • Do not pack valuables or personal items in cartons, AGL is not responsible for packed valuables that become lost or damaged during transit.
  • Vertical filing cabinets will be moved with the contents intact. Please lock the cabinet, if possible, and place the keys in a safe place.
  • Supply or storage cabinets must have all contents packed. After packing, lock or secure the doors shut.
  • Bookcases should have all contents packed into book cartons or onto rolling book carts. You must label the cart on the top and on one end.
  • Pack all contents of coat racks and lockers.
  • Do not pack office machines, such as typewriters, adding machines, or computer terminals in cartons. Please disconnect these items completely and leave them on top of the desk, but place detachable cords in a carton. AGL will wrap those items and place them on a rolling machine cart.
  • Pictures or bulletin boards that are too large for you to pack should be removed from the wall, tagged with the moving label and AGL will pack and place on rolling carts.
  • Certain types of special data processing equipment need special servicing by factory-trained technicians before and during the relocation.
  • All items to be moved must be clearly tagged according to the guidelines outlined. Any items not tagged accordingly will not be moved.
  • ​All cartons must have sealed lids to prevent the contents from spilling during the relocation.
  • ​Do not pack any flammables or liquids in cartons. It is customers responsibility to move them.
  • ​The mover will move plants owned by the office. We cannot move personal plants. It is advised that each person remove his or her plants from the building prior to the move.
  • ​Telephones will be handled by the telecommunication company and personnel contracted to move the  equipment. LEAVE ALL TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT.

Tagging and Marking:

  • Assorted colors of moving labels are available for coding requirements from your move coordinator. Carefully print your number in large print with a marker on the correct color label before placing labels on items.
  • ​It items are not to be moved or if equipment and furniture are to be discarded, be sure to label them with "DO NOT MOVE" labels.
  • Each item to be moved must be tagged or clearly marked.
  • ​Simple moving labels will be distributed to you  for tagging purposes. Each label should be penned legibly.
  • The specific code assignments should detail your designated floor, room, and piece number for AGL. Any last minute changes can cause delays.
  • Some furniture may need disassembly for moving. Each piece should be tagged with the same color and information. 
  • ​Place moving labels on areas that are clearly visible. Do not place labels directly on fabric.


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Lewisville, TX 75029-2516

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Advantage Global Logistics, Inc.

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